Thursday, 28 June 2012

The real relay

Well the IT band injury seems to be under control. The pain hasn't gone completely but it's reduced to a slight niggle and can be controlled with some ice and the occassional ibuprofen. Back into increasing the mileage and this week I was given the opportunity to combine a long run with carrying the unofficial olympic torch. I accompanied Jonathon Steele on the Boston Spa to Harewood house leg. As the real relay is being run 24hrs/day and being carried all the way, our leg took place between 1am and 3am. In order to avoid dangerous busy roads we took a 10.5mile route via sickglinhall and a slightly overgrown public footpath. I still have the nettle stings for my sins. All in it was a great run on a nice summer evening, and it was reassuring to know I wasn't the only mad person who thinks it a good idea to help carry a plastic stick, with a gps stuck on the end, around the country. Please google the "real relay" for more info.